quarta-feira, 11 de junho de 2008

First Oficial Cricket Game in the 21th Century

We will publish some pictures, of the first Official Cricket Game that happened in Cape Verde this century.

On May 3rd, when the Soccer Final occour, match that put against each other two of the most mediatics teams from Monte Cara´s Island (Mindelense Vs. Académica).

We could guess that was going to be a very crowded match In Adérito Sena Stadium, that´s why we could not miss this oportunity to promote and make the public know that, exits already im Mindelo individuals and entities with the clear porpose to reimplant the practice of Cricket in S. Vicente in particulary and in Cape Verde in general.

The first Team to be created was the "African Cricket of Mindelo", in honour to those who was the first ones that made the first cricket team (very long time and with the same name).
But after a few days the Clube Sportive Mindelense enter with full strength in our cricket universe. And so, those two recently created cricket teams played against each other in Aderito Sena´s Stadium.
At the end, our first tropheu went to the African Cricket team of Mindelo, that won the match with an expressive result of 43-17.

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